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Cover Letter

         During my High School years I have been involved in many activities. These include things such as Sports, Clubs, Associated Student Body Courses, and several elective courses that are marketing and design based. Although I have been a part of multiple activities and courses, Yearbook has had the biggest impact on my life inside and outside of school. I have been enrolled in Yearbook class for three years and 2 out of those 3 years I have been an Editor-in-chief. By being part of Yearbook, you learn about storytelling, creating/designing and organizing content, engaging your audience, online research, brand management and it gives students marketable experience in print media publishing. Being a part of the Yearbook course has driven me to realize not only what my true passion is, but it has given me a clear answer about what I’m meant to do with my future. 


         I have been fortunate enough to have been a part of more than one impactful activity during high school. Overall, I owe a lot of my success to the yearbook. When I first started off in this course, I was unsure of the path I wanted to pursue in my later years. With the stress from the Pandemic and the CZU Fires, the yearbook was one of the few healthy outlets I had at the time. I began to focus and work hard at it and soon realized that, to me, this class was more than just an academic requirement, and that it was slowly shaping the path to my future. By being a part of this course I have grasped the idea of 3 important SLO’s: Effective Communicator, Quality Producer, and Community Contributor. I have utilized my skills in design to create the base of our book’s layouts, color palette, covers, and much more.  I have also learned from many courses about marketing and great photo taking skills. Through these skills that I have learned I have had the opportunity to give back to our community. A yearbook is much more than just a book full of pictures. It is a story composed of our own lives. It was important to me that through the pandemic we had something to show for it. I strived for something to not only show the difficult aspects of the pandemic, but to also show the good in hopes of improving people’s perspectives. I wanted everyone to have something to show for how strong and diligent our community is and how hard we fought for normalcy. It is also important that all 700 students enrolled in our school get a chance to be featured in the yearbook regardless if they were super involved with our school activities. This course has not only helped me decide my future plans as I have realized design is my true passion, but it has motivated me to become a better person and student through my academics. 


         After High School, I plan to attend a 4 year college in the fall and major in design. I hope to either get my degree in Interior Design as well as Architecture, or go down a different path related to sports apparel/fashion design. I want to work with big brands in hopes of having my own some day. I have made my future plans based off of the experiences that I have had through high school and most importantly through the Yearbook class. With that being said, this course was not only an elective for me. It was much more than that. It helped shape me into the person that I am and evidently helped me find my true passion. My main goal in life is to be successful in whatever path that I may choose, but I also want to be passionate about what I'm doing. I am someone who plans out and organizes things, but prior to this course I was lost and was unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. I know I am certain of the path I want to take after high school and my future seems more clear than ever. Although becoming a designer is a fairly new dream of mine, it is my biggest one. I hope to someday be a well-known designer that can teach others the importance of creativity and to really make a difference in this world; even if it’s something as little as helping someone find their creative side. 


          I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be involved in many impactful things during my high school career. Yearbook being the most important to me has opened my eyes to much more than I could have imagined. But with that being said, every factor from the past 4 years has helped shape me into the person that I am today. I have learned so much from my peers, my teachers, my coaches, and my friends… 

Cover Letter: Text
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